Choose Your Own Pendant | Necklace (smaller crystal)
Choose your own crystal pendant for your necklace and read more about each of them below:
1. Clear Quartz
2. Agate
3. Orange Calcit
4. Picture Jaspis
5. Tiger’s Eye
6. Carnelian
7. Mahogany Obsidian
8. Red Jasper
9. Rose Quartz
10. Amethyst
11. Sodalit
12. Unakit
13. Green Aventurine
14. Black Obsidian
15. Magnesite
Height: from 3 cm to 3.5 cm
Width: from 4 cm to 7 cm
String is adjustable.
The piece you get is chosen for you by intuition.
Choose your own crystal pendant for your necklace and read more about each of them below:
1. Clear Quartz
2. Agate
3. Orange Calcit
4. Picture Jaspis
5. Tiger’s Eye
6. Carnelian
7. Mahogany Obsidian
8. Red Jasper
9. Rose Quartz
10. Amethyst
11. Sodalit
12. Unakit
13. Green Aventurine
14. Black Obsidian
15. Magnesite
Height: from 3 cm to 3.5 cm
Width: from 4 cm to 7 cm
String is adjustable.
The piece you get is chosen for you by intuition.
Choose your own crystal pendant for your necklace and read more about each of them below:
1. Clear Quartz
2. Agate
3. Orange Calcit
4. Picture Jaspis
5. Tiger’s Eye
6. Carnelian
7. Mahogany Obsidian
8. Red Jasper
9. Rose Quartz
10. Amethyst
11. Sodalit
12. Unakit
13. Green Aventurine
14. Black Obsidian
15. Magnesite
Height: from 3 cm to 3.5 cm
Width: from 4 cm to 7 cm
String is adjustable.
The piece you get is chosen for you by intuition.
clarity | manifestation | multipurpose
Clear Quartz crystal is also known as master healing crystal. It holds powers that are included in a variety of other stones and it is easily programmable. It is great for protection, rejuvenation, regeneration and manifestation. If you are just starting with crystals it is a perfect first choice. It is extremely powerful, it feels like the benefits of it are never ending. It works fantastically with other crystals as well as on its own. It is an ideal crystal to have because its power is boundless. It aligns all of your chakras and gives your energy systems a deep cleanse. It cleanses all aspects of your physical, emotional and psychic self. It also brings a lot of positive energies for your well-being in your home or workplace.
encouragement | strength | focus
Agate crystal is a source of support and power, especially when it comes to your career. It keeps you inspired, creative and very productive. It fills your life with optimism, joy and delight. It balances your chakras, gives them the energy to open so the energy is flowing freely. It gives you the power of inspiration and it is filling you with happy thoughts. It reminds you that you are strong enough and that you can always speak your truth. It removes the distractions and gives you focus on what truly matters in your life.
balance | leadership | growth
Orange calcite crystal energizes, cleanses and revitalizes your life energies. It helps you to connect with yourself and find your belonging in the world. It expands creativity and balances your emotions. It helps you release your fears and anxiety from your life. It is especially connected to sacral chakra, but also root and solar plexus chakra. It has powerful cleansing energies and it protects from harmful vibrations. It removes anything that is preventing you from feeling calm and peaceful. It balances your emotions, removes your fears and brings balance into your life. It helps you achieve personal power and empowers you to take concrete steps to reach your goals. It is great when you start new projects or any new journey in your life. It gives you the energy to reach your true potential.
nurturing | peaceful | grounding
Picture Jasper crystal is bringing you nurturing energies, helps you in the stress times and brings you peace in your mind. It absorbs all the negative energies, it protects you and makes sure you remain whole. It gives you the ability to conquer your problems and improve your organizational abilities. It is connected to root chakra which means it is grounding you. It stimulates your imagination and helps you transform it to become your reality. It spreads the energy which gives you a good sense of what your power is. It helps you achieve physical, emotional and spiritual balance.
wealth | love | power
Tiger’s Eye is a crystal that gives you courage to take actions in your love life. It brings you a sense of harmony, especially when it comes to your partner. It has contradicting powers, it can also energize you and also makes you feel relaxed and when you feel it you can make this work in your favour. It keeps your life in balance, brings you clarity and helps you with grounding. It helps you understand what really matters in life. It is aligned with three chakras: root, sacral and solar plexus chakra. It will bring enlightenment into your life and ground you in a spiritual sense. And it will boost your willpower and energy levels to help you do what needs to be done. It helps you overcome feelings of insecurity and it is going to teach you the value of patience and how to never give up on the pursuit of your wants and dreams.
strength | courage | abundance
Carnelian is a crystal which brings you courage and helps you see your hidden talents. It helps you to achieve things, brings the energy of celebration, joy and happiness. It is associated with sacral chakra. It brings more positivity and optimism to your life, which may help you overcome struggles or past traumas. It brings you motivation, creativity and increases vitality. It also helps in the field of prosperity and abundance. It clears your blockages and helps you align with your divine purpose. It shows you your spiritual path and invigorates your spirit. It has that energy that is giving you progress and shows you how to accept challenges and changes.
purification | support | protection
Mahogany Obsidian crystal has supportive and protective energies that can transform into strength and inner-power. It brings you courage and willpower to do everything you want. It removes fears and insecurities. It brings up your confidence to achieve your goals and expands your creative ideas. It is connected to the root and sacral chakra. It removes people who are not meant to be in your life and protects you from the ones that wish you harm. It is the stone that is ready for use in the times of need. It gives you the power to do what should be done and removes anything that is blocking that. It is bringing your power back to you.
confidence | care | empowerment
Red Jasper crystal that brings wholeness and reminds you to take care of you as well as take care of each other. It has an energy of being the nurturer and supporter during hard times. It is connected to the root chakra and also aligns all of them. It helps you remember your dreams and it is great to use it for shamanic journeys. It gives you protection to come back to the present moment when that journey is done. It absorbs negativity and cleanses your aura. It also balances your feminine and masculine energy. It clears the atmosphere from negative effects of unwanted electromagnetic vibrations. It gives you courage, helps you deal with your problems and it empowers you with honesty. It encourages organizational abilities, it stimulates your imagination and it gives you the drive along with motivation. It is bringing you the change you need.
love | gentleness | compassion
Rose quartz is a crystal of unconditional love, relationships and nurturing energies. It also encourages you to love yourself first, because when you do you are going to spread it all around you. It is connected with feminine energy, gives gentle and comforting vibrations. It brings you peace and calms you down. It encourages you to see good in any situation, may it include others or yourself. It takes away negativity and replaces it with positivity and good intentions.
calmness | transformation | spirituality
Amethyst crystal has a unique power which transforms your life and it vibrates at a high frequency. It helps you recognize your emotions without becoming involved and pulled into them and also gives you protection. It brings everything around you into focus and it gives you a clear vision about your life. It clears unnecessary mind clutter. It cleans your mind and your heart, especially when the world around you is hectic. It is connected to crown chakra and also linked to third-eye. It purifies your home or any place you put it and removes negative vibrations. It enhances your intuition, opens you up to spiritual life and it is great for meditation.
clarity | creativity | wisdom
Sodalite crystal is improving your life with its wisdom and truthful power. It is bringing you logical and rational thinking and wants you to listen to your thoughts, to follow them and speak the truth. It gives you guidance which is mixed with intuition and logic. It releases what no longer serves you and everything that is not healthy for you. It is bringing you powerful clearance and removes mental confusions. It is connected to throat chakra. It prevents you from being blocked and gives you the right words to say in any situation. It brings you the energy of truth and gives you a better understanding of your life.
truth | success | happiness
Unakite crystal gives you nurturing energies and guides you to learn more about yourself. It helps you develop a sense of who you truly are and it gives you a balanced perspective about yourself and the world around you. It is connected to the heart chakra. It reminds you that you don’t have to sacrifice anything that brings you joy in this moment for things that will bring you success in the future. And the other way around. It helps you to come to a state of being where you can be both; happy now and happy in the future. It was traditionally given to children, to remind them that happiness and success go hand in hand and that they don’t need to sacrifice one or the other. It helps you to go through the moments when you don’t know how to help yourself and it is providing you the energy to choose. It is a stone with vision.
confidence | optimism | abundance
Green Aventurine is a crystal that pushes you to take action and pursue everything you want to achieve in your life. It brings you many opportunities all around you and inspires you with the courage to see and follow them. It guides you to inner harmony. It is associated with heart chakra. It protects it and you may even find that it helps you see the bright side of life. It is especially good to get rid of your fear or anxiety, because it vibrates with soothing and calming energies. It connects you to the power of nature and it incorporates meaningful relationships in your life. It helps you feel freedom, lightness and happiness.
protection | focus | faith
Black Obsidian crystal helps you focus on your goals. It brings you the truth to your life. It warns you about people who are trying to do harm and it absorbs their bad energies. It is connected to fire, earth and water. It keeps you grounded. It shows you there is always light at the end of the tunnel and it is waiting for you to discover it. It helps you remove all the toxins and negative vibrations from your life. It gives you happy thoughts and reminds you that peace is waiting for you.
harmony | connection | peace
Magnesite crystal has a very strong and powerful energy, especially with the inner work. It makes powerful connections with people in your life, especially the emotional ones which are based on a deep level of your relationship with them. It brings you love, peace and happiness into your life. It is connected to the third-eye chakra. It helps you explore unconscious and conscious worlds and heals you from any emotional blockages you may have. It brings you harmony in your life because it has an amazing effect on your mind. It helps you embrace the change, especially if it involves your future.
WATER: Rinse it under it (don't use it for soft / brittle crystals)
PALO SANTO: Smudge it (remove negative energy and say your intentions)
SAGE: Smudge it (remove negative energy and say your intentions)
SUN / MOON: Put it on direct sun or moon light (put it on earth / shelf)
SOUND: Sing or play any instrument (great for multiple crystals)
VISUALIZATION: Visualize removing negativity and say what you want
YOUR OWN WAY: Whatever you feel it is good to do
Listen to your intuition when choosing your crystal and also while doing intentions.
After cleaning it from unwanted energies you start with intentions.
Tell your crystal what you want it to bring.
You can think about it in your mind or say it out loud.
Put it in its place (pocket / hand crystals) or put it on your body (ring, necklace…)
Be grateful that this crystal came to you and for all that it brings you